Counseling Office

Welcome to the Guidance Office

The Guidance office at Norris is dedicated to helping support the academic, emotional, and social development of all of our students. We are available to meet and speak with students and parents around a variety of issues that may impact a child's progress in school. We are also able to consult with teachers and frequently work together with them to develop a level of support appropriate for each student's particular needs.

At various times we may help a student to work through a peer issue, deal with anxiety around a test, or come to terms with a loss through death or divorce. At a family's request we are available to speak with outside service providers in order to coordinate support services both in and out of school. We maintain a list of outside therapists and can share the list as well as possible recommendations with families as needed.

As counselors we take the notion of confidentiality very seriously. As we tell the students, the only time we are obligated to break confidentiality is when there are significant concerns about their emotional or physical safety. Information shared by parents is also kept in strict confidentiality with the single exception being, as it is for students, where there are safety concerns.

Please feel free to contact us here at Norris either by phone (call the main office and they will put you through), or e-mail at if we can be of any help to you or your student.

We look forward to working with all members of our Norris community to help make our school a place where everyone is respected and valued for the unique individuals that they are.

Kristin Gengler, School Psychologist